How Often Should Dentures Be Relined?

Denture Los Angeles, CA

Dental professionals recommend a denture reline at least every two years. However, you might need to get your dentures relined more often depending on various factors, such as the materials used for the reline and the degree of bone loss you have experienced. You need to visit a general dentist once a year to get your dentures checked. If your dentures do not fit properly, a reline might be recommended. Learn more about the process as well as how to tell if you need a reline.

Denture reline process

During a denture reline, the general dentist adds material to the dentures to secure the fit. A denture reline makes the dentures tighter and more secure. A reline can also make the dentures more comfortable. The dentist can provide a hard or soft reline. While dentists can recommend an option to the patient, the patient ultimately chooses the type of reline.

Hard and soft relines

During a denture reline, the dentist removes some of the denture’s inner plate. This is the section of the denture that hugs the gums. Then the material is replaced with putty, and the dentist takes an impression. The putty hardens and is used as a model.

If the dentist is providing a soft reline, the putty is replaced with a soft polymer. This is more comfortable than the hard-acrylic material. Soft relines usually last for up to 18 months. Patients need to come in for more adjustments to ensure the reline material is holding up.

If the dentist is providing a hard reline, the putty is replaced with a material that is similar to what was originally used for the dentures. This material is not as comfortable as the soft polymer material, but it lasts longer. While a hard reline is recommended every two years, this can last even longer. Some people do not require additional relines for three or more years after getting a hard reline. However, most need relines every two years due to bone loss.

Signs a reline is needed

People might need a denture reline sooner than two years. People should look for signs that a reline is necessary. Those who experience prolonged periods of discomfort likely need a reline. People who have trouble chewing food should also visit the dentist for a reline.

Also, if the dentures feel loose, it is time for a reline. Loose dentures are usually caused by bone loss. The dentures need to be adjusted to fit once again after the bone loss. It is normal for people to need relines due to bone loss every two years.

Do you need a denture reline?

If you wear dentures, you will need to get relines at least every two years. Your dentist will choose between a hard and soft reline. A soft reline is a good option if you experience discomfort when wearing dentures, even if the devices fit properly. A hard reline is a good choice if you want something that lasts longer. Talk to your dentist about the benefits of both and get your denture relined.

Request an appointment here: or call Lida Davani, DDS at (310) 402-2149 for an appointment in our Los Angeles office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Denture in Los Angeles, CA.

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